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Aluminum weathervanes $145.95

Beautifully painted cast aluminum. Easy installation, mountings of lifetime aluminum. Any questions call 1-877-782-8837. Scroll down to view more weathervanes.

1913 Chevy 30

Airplane 30

Amish Buggy 30

Antique Car 30

Black Labrador 30

Blue Heron 30

Buck 30

Bull Rider 30

Cardinal 30

Clipper Ship 30

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Country Doctor 30

Add to cart

Country Doctor 30

Cow 30

Cowboy 30

Deer and Pines

Dove of Peace 30

Draft Horse 30

Duck 30

Eagle 30

Elk 30

Fire Wagon 30

Flamingo 30

Full Bodied Country Doctor 30

Full Bodied Eagle 30

Full Bodied Goose 30

Full Bodied Horse 30

Full Bodied Rooster 30

Gargoyle 30

German Shephard 30

Golden Retriever 30

Golfer 30

Hansom Cab 30

Horse 30

Horse 30

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Hummingbirds 30

Lady Golfer 30

Lamplighter 30

Large 46 inch Eagle

Large 46 inch Horse

Large 46 inch Locomotive

Large 46 inch Rooster

Large 46 inch Sailboat

Large 46 inch Yacht

Liberty Flag 30

Lighthouse 30

Locomotive 30

Loon 30

Macaw 30

Mare and Colt 30

Moose 30
